Fallen Realm of the DarkAngel - Babylon is Burning


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Movie and Book Reviews

Here, I will write reviews of the book I read and films I watch... When/if I can be bothered.

Movie Reviews

The Matrix Reloaded

Keanu Reeves is in it. Need I say more? Well I will anyway.
This movie is just as good as if not better than its predesesser. The special effects are amazing and Keanu Reeves is the hottest thing scince hotcakes.
Morpheus gives an enlightening speech which in the end turns out to be bullshit.
U should see it.
Nothing's going to change, Nothing's going to change, Nothing's going to change, Nothing's going to change etc etc etc see Marilyn Manson's 'Lamb of God' for more satanic rantings.

Book Reviews

The Coram Boy

This book is actually quite good despite its crappy title. It is set in the eighteenth century. 'the Coram man' was a term for someone who travelled around Britain collecting children and selling the able-bodied ones to naval ships and into slave labour. He never necessarily cared about the well-being of the children, he only took them out of poverty to get money for them.